Borobudur Masterpiece Cultural Show present Indonesian Batik Fashion
Mahakarya Borobudur or Borobudur Masterpiece re-held by PT. TWC Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko on Wednesday night (18/4/2018). This time a magnificent event on Aksyobya stage has raised the theme of “Indonesia Berkain” or Indonesian Fabric. In accordance with the theme, Masterpieces Borobudur display batik fashion show as a cloth of Indonesian. Batik is a historical work of the maestros like KRT Hardjonagoro Go Tik Swan, H KPH Santoso Doellah Hadikusimo, and Afif Syakur. Renowned designers showcase batik-batik creations in the rich fashion, beautiful and elegant. They are Musa Widyatmojo, Chossy Latu, Tuty Adib, Danjo Hiyoji, Amanda Hartanto and Purana.
The Borobudur Masterpiece series supported by Bank BRI is packed nicely with professional choreographers Eko Supriyanto and Ananta Kanapi. The backdrop of the grandeur of Borobudur temple adds to the epic of the event. Borobudur Masterpiece Event Coordinator, Ayu Dyah Pasha said: “Indonesia Berkain” is not only a batik fashion show but also collaboration in the arts field, namely theater, music, visual. “All we collaborate to show the beauty of Indonesian batik,” said Ayu. The work of batik is divided into three concepts, namely batik past, present, and future. She mentioned batik past displays the work of the maestro batik like Gotic Swan, Afif Sakur, and others. For today’s batik Iwan Tirta, Tuti Adib, Musa Widyatmojo, and others. “While the batik of the future displays the work of millennial designers, we give space to them to pour their imagination about batik,” said Ayu. Director of Marketing and Cooperation of PT TWC Borobudur Prambanan and Ratu Boko, Ricky SP Siahaan, explained that this year’s theme is “Indonesia Berkain” which is identical with women. Because in this month we are celebrating the Kartini Day on April 21st, 2018.
In addition, Masterpieces Borobudur also coincides with the celebration of World Heritage Day which commemorated on April 18th. “Batik is one of Indonesia’s world-recognized cultural heritage, so we are aligning batik with Borobudur Temple which is also a cultural heritage of the world,” said Ricky. Ricky hopes that this activity will bring resonance around the world, and play a role in encouraging the achievement of the target of tourist arrivals from all over the world to Indonesia. Consumer Director of Bank BRI, Mrs.Handayani, added Borobudur Masterpiece 2018: Indonesia Berkain is support of Bank BRI in the Tourism sector and economic improvement of surrounding community. “Borobudur Temple has become a world heritage, this activity is a form of our support to continue to maintain its sustainability and promote Indonesian tourism,” said Handayani.
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