Mahakarya Borobudur: Hair Style & Fashion

Located at Akshobya Garden Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Saturday, (30/9) at 07.30 – 10.30 pm, performed Masterpieces of Borobudur Hair Style and Fashion. An offering for the fashionista and hairdo lovers from the country and abroad, which will lift the values of ancestral art and culture, especially in terms of fashion and hairstyles, which had been […]

Borobudur in the Colonial Period

At the end of the 19th century, President of the Yogyakarta Archaeological Society, Isaac Groneman, extract deeper into the religious context of Borobudur. He believes that Borobudur is a Buddhist sanctuary, but he needs authoritative support. Fortunately, at that time, King Chulalongkorn was on his way to Java heading to explore civilization. Then, Grooneman invites […]

Buddhist teachings in the reliefs at the foot of Borobudur temple

If we look further, we can see that the reliefs found at the foot of the Borobudur Temple are related to the core of Buddhism. The reliefs that adorn the feet of the temple depict the doctrine of the cause of human suffering and the result of human actions in the next life. By comparing […]

Buddha Statue and Six Mudras

Besides decorated with beautiful reliefs, Borobudur Temple also has 504 statues of Buddha sitting all of which are carved on a round stone sabongkah. All the statues illustrating the Dhyani Buddha or meditating Buddhist are spread to different levels, from the lower to the top, rupadhatu and arupadhatu. The Buddha Dhyani is different from the […]

Behind the Name of Borobudur

Borobudur temple holds a mystery that raises questions for the people who see through. Researchers, archaeologists, to visitors brought deeper into the mystery and the various questions contained in it when climbing this monument. One simple question that has not been answered until now is: whether the name Borobudur is the real name or not. […]


Forever radiating its majestic beauty, the magnificent Borobudur Temple in the Magelang Regency, of Central Java was the central point of a special Art and Cultural event: the Borobudur International Festival 2017, scheduled to take place on 28th to 30th July 2017 at the Lumbini Field, at the Borobudur Temple Complex. The participation is cultural […]